Cindy Russell's Fundraiser

Cindy Russell's Fundraiser

Silent Tumor, Loud Fight

Hi, I’m Cindy—someone who’s always been full of life, energy, and a big smile. But in the summer of 2022, something changed. During my morning walks, I noticed my balance was off. I brushed it off at first, thinking maybe I just needed to slow down. But when things didn’t improve, I decided to see a doctor.

In the spring of 2023, my doctor called with a diagnosis that I have a rare, benign brain tumor called an Acoustic Neuroma. Hearing the word "tumor" and "brain" was terrifying. Like many, I turned to Google, searching for answers and trying to make sense of it all. Not long after, I lost all hearing in my left ear. It’s a strange experience—things may look fine on the outside, but it’s not always what it seems. So if you see me wobble or holding onto something a bit longer, it’s not because I’ve had too much wine. And if I don’t respond right away, it’s not because I’m ignoring you—I just didn’t hear you.

This journey has been challenging, but I’ve been fortunate to find support through amazing doctors and the ANAC (Acoustic Neuroma Association of Canada). They’ve been instrumental in helping me plan for what’s next.

In September, I’ll be undergoing surgery to remove the tumor. To be honest, I’m scared, but I’m determined. My goal is to take a few steps post-surgery, and my children, Zach and Bre, will be completing the walk on my behalf to help raise awareness for Acoustic Neuroma.

Every gesture, no matter how small, can make a big difference. Thank you for your support.

With gratitude,


#AcousticNeuromaAwareness #WalkforANAC

Honour Roll


Michelle Mitchell
Sep 10, 2024
Ontario, CA

“Cindy, you are an amazing, beautiful person and will come through this with flying colours…thinking of you…Sheila & Brian Luft xo”


Sheila Luft
Sep 9, 2024
Ontario, CA

“Great job on taking on this fundraiser—wishing you a speedy recovery! Dale & Charmaine”


Dale Holan
Aug 30, 2024
Alberta, CA

“We're all thinking of you. Stay strong💪.”


Lance Nelson
Aug 29, 2024
Missouri, US

“Jeff and I are thinking of you. Keep your spirits up!”


Jeff & Janice Stasiuk
Aug 29, 2024
British Columbia, CA


Linda Saunders
Aug 27, 2024
Ontario, CA

“Stay Strong my beautiful friend - You've got this!”


Regan Koski
Aug 27, 2024
Pennsylvania, US


Lori Shirreff
Aug 27, 2024
Ontario, CA

“With many prayers and soooo many friends and family supporting you, you will be back to yourself in no time. Rest when they say to rest, stay strong & positive thoughts only.”


Josie Clauser
Aug 26, 2024
Ontario, CA

“You're a trooper Cindy, you got this!!”


Jason Ng
Aug 26, 2024
Quebec, CA

“You are a true warrior Cindy with an army of friends, family and colleagues behind you supporting and cheering you on. You got this!”


Diana Ignagni
Aug 25, 2024
Ontario, CA

“Stay strong Cindy, you have an army behind you! Best wishes always!”


Brian Watkiins
Aug 25, 2024
Manitoba, CA

“You are a strong and brave person Cindy. You are raising funds and awareness to help others who have to deal with this too. After your surgery I know you'll be back at it - stonger than ever.”


Guy Enta
Aug 25, 2024
Ontario, CA


Marc Levesque
Aug 25, 2024
Quebec, CA

“you got this 💪🏻”


Spencer Alexander
Aug 25, 2024
Ontario, CA


Aug 25, 2024
Ontario, CA

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16 donors
103 days left

Fundraiser created by
Cindy Russell
Ontario, Canada


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