Denise's walk for Change

Denise's walk for Change

My name is Denise Bryan and October 6, 2024 will be the 2nd anniversary of my Acoustic Neuroma brain surgery. To celebrate my ongoing recovery, I will be walking to raise awareness for this rare brain tumour that I had. The funds I raise will go to the Acoustic Neuroma Association of Canada (ANAC) that provide support for people like myself. 

I was diagnosed with this rare brain tumour in March 2021 and after a follow-up MRI in 2022 it showed that my tumour was growing rapidly so the best option for me was to have surgery to remove the tumour and try to prevent facial paralysis. 

The surgery lasted almost 8 hours and thankfully it was successful but it left me with single sided deafness, balance issues, ongoing fatigue and other limitations.

Raising awareness for early detection and improved medical and mental health support, is very important to me because initially I was told that I only had a sinus infection. I also know that your ensuring good mental health is vital on this journey. 

Please help me raise funds to support the Acoustic Neuroma Association of Canada that offers support and access to valuable resources for people like myself. 


Honour Roll


Deborah W.
Sep 18, 2024
Ontario, CA


Dee Kayal
Sep 16, 2024
Ontario, CA


Gregory Francis
Sep 16, 2024
Ontario, CA


Sep 16, 2024
Ontario, CA



Sasha-Lee Tykoliz
Sep 16, 2024
Ontario, CA

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5 donors
103 days left

Fundraiser created by
Denise Bryan
Ontario, Canada


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