Judy Haust Hobbling for ANAC

Judy Haust Hobbling for ANAC

I’m forever grateful to Carole Humphries, our former director, who cajoled me into joining the ANAC board back in 2016. I was a brand new member, so it truly was a case of plunging into the deep end without water-wings! Ever since, I haven’t regretted a minute of it, and I’ve learned so much — not the least of which is how well ANAC can ease the initial anxiety of those diagnosed with an acoustic neuroma and support them throughout their journeys, each one so different and personal. I’m delighted to be participating once again in ANAC’s Virtual Walk, our biggest fundraiser of the year. It’s hard to believe four years have passed since Carole launched the first Virtual Walk in 2020, in response to the COVID lockdowns. My husband, Bill, is also setting up his own fundraising page this year, so please feel free to donate to his or mine — no hard feelings here!!! All that matters is that ANAC will benefit from your generosity, allowing us to continue to provide valuable programs (such as our upcoming World of Acoustic Neuroma Symposium on October 5th) and our ongoing support to our members through our Chapter meetings, webinars, newsletter and website. Thanking you in advance!

Honour Roll

“Judy, happy to help out - Cam”


Cameron Douglas
Sep 17, 2024
Ontario, CA


Catherine Paterson
Sep 14, 2024
Ontario, CA


Sep 12, 2024
Ontario, CA

“Go Judy!”


Marilena Ritka
Sep 10, 2024
Ontario, CA


Victoria Hand
Sep 10, 2024
Ontario, CA


Barb and Scott Allan
Sep 10, 2024
Ontario, CA


Scott Roden
Sep 10, 2024
Ontario, CA


Karen and Rick Betteridge
Sep 9, 2024
Ontario, CA


Andrew Hawryluk
Sep 9, 2024
Ontario, CA


Barbara Allan
Sep 9, 2024
Ontario, CA


Phil and Sue Allan
Sep 7, 2024
Ontario, CA


Eve Martin
Sep 7, 2024
Ontario, CA


Louise Wright
Sep 6, 2024
Ontario, CA

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13 donors
23 days left

Fundraiser created by
Judy Haust
Ontario, Canada


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