Kim Broberg's Fundraiser

Kim Broberg's Fundraiser

For those of you who may not be aware, in August 2015, I underwent a 9 hour surgery at Sunnybrook Hospital in Toronto to remove a large brain tumour - an acoustic neuroma. Although benign, it was causing a lot of problems and had to be removed. I haven’t done the fundraising walk in a few years, but I am participating this year. Any and all donations are greatly appreciated so more research can be done on this rare tumour.

Honour Roll

“Have a great walk Kim. So proud of your strength and determination.”


Wendy Garner
Sep 9, 2024
Ontario, CA


Tim Scott
Sep 4, 2024
Ontario, CA


Sep 3, 2024
Ontario, CA


Katie Smith
Aug 9, 2024
Quebec, CA

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4 donors
23 days left

Fundraiser created by
Kimberly Broberg
Ontario, Canada


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