Tumor Take 2 - The Pollocks Walk

Tumor Take 2 - The Pollocks Walk

First off to learn more about Nolan's journey please visit our blog https://tumortake2.wordpress.com/

In the spring of 2023, Nolan began to experience trigeminal pain, facial numbness and hearing changes. These symptoms severely impacted his ability to go outside, to participate in social settings and to work. Nolan was initially diagnosed with trigeminal neuralgia. However, after pushing for additional testing and travelling for an MRI it was discovered that Nolan had a brain tumor (specifically an acoustic neuroma). While the tumor was benign, Nolan is still recovering from the impacts of the tumor and the surgery to remove it. Many of these impacts will mean permanent changes in how Nolan interacts with the world.

We want to walk to bring awareness of acoustic neuromas. Awareness that will help others understand the impacts but even more so for more doctors to be aware so they can see the signs and push for more testing. Earlier testing. Testing that can help diagnose before such things as hearing loss occurs. They cannot suspect this tumor if they do not know about it. As this year's walk slogan says "benign doesn't mean no big deal". This is Nolan's second benign tumor and each one has drastically changed his life. From the outside he looks mostly the same, but inside his world has been changed.

As a family (Nolan, Grace, Lincoln & Lyric, as well as Nolan's parents Mark & Sharon and his brother Joel) we will be walking 5-8km together through the forest. A place that brings us all so much joy, and a place that Nolan was unable to visit in 2023 due to the side effects of this tumor in his brain. Thank you for considering sponsoring our family on this virtual walk.

Honour Roll

“I wish Nolan and his family peace and joy together.”


Karen Panchyshyn
Sep 16, 2024
Ontario, CA


Sharon Pollock
Sep 14, 2024
Ontario, CA

“Hope you raise a lot of funds for this worthy cause.”


David Finch
Sep 13, 2024
Ontario, CA


Kristen Page
Sep 7, 2024
British Columbia, CA


Neil Ross
Sep 6, 2024
Idaho, US


Diana Simpson
Sep 4, 2024
Ontario, CA


Jan Vicars
Sep 4, 2024
Ontario, CA

“Best wishes, Nolan.”


Gord & Sharlene Worrall
Sep 2, 2024
Ontario, CA

“what a great cause. Awareness is crucial. Have fun doing the walk ❤️”


Steven Finch
Sep 2, 2024
Alberta, CA

“We love you guys!”


Dan Wilson
Sep 2, 2024
Ontario, CA


Michael & Karen Pollock
Sep 2, 2024
Alberta, CA

“Thinking of Nolan and his family as he navigates life with theae new obstacles <3. Jon, Marie and Girls”


Marie Finch
Sep 2, 2024
Ontario, CA


Janice A Maltby
Sep 2, 2024
Ontario, CA

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13 donors
103 days left

Fundraiser created by
Grace Pollock
Ontario, Canada


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